1: 1. Schnitzel - Breaded and fried pork or veal cutlets 2. Sauerbraten - Marinated and slow-cooked beef 3. Spätzle - German egg noodles 4. Bratwurst - Grilled pork sausage

2: 5. Kartoffelsalat - German potato salad 6. Schweinshaxe - Roasted pork knuckle 7. Wurstsalat - Sausage salad with vinegar dressing 8. Königsberger Klopse - Meatballs in caper sauce

3: 9. Leberkäse - Bavarian meatloaf 10. Rouladen - Beef rolls filled with bacon and onions 11. Maultaschen - Swabian stuffed pasta 12. Labskaus - Corned beef with potatoes and beetroot

4: 13. Gulasch - Hungarian-inspired beef stew 14. Rote Grütze - Red berry compote with cream 15. Würstchen im Schlafrock - Sausages wrapped in puff pastry 16. Himmel un Ääd - Black pudding with mashed potatoes and applesauce

5: 17. Grünkohl - Northern German kale stew 18. Labskaus - Traditional sailor’s dish of corned beef and potatoes 19. Hackbraten - German-style meatloaf 20. Maultaschen - German dumplings filled with meat and spinach

6: 21. Frikadellen - German meat patties 22. Erbsensuppe - Split pea soup 23. Gaisburger Marsch - Beef and potato stew 24. Rostbratwurst - Grilled pork sausage

7: 25. Welfenspeise - Layered dessert with cream and sherry 26. Apfelstrudel - Apple strudel with cinnamon 27. Quarkbällchen - Fried quark doughnuts 28. Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Black Forest cherry cake

8: 29. Brezel - Pretzel with mustard dip 30. Käsespätzle - Cheese-filled German noodles 31. Königsberger Klopse - Meatballs in creamy caper sauce 32. Schweinebraten - Roast pork with gravy

9: 33. Kasseler - Smoked pork loin 34. Eintopf - One-pot German stew 35. Pichelsteiner Eintopf - Bavarian vegetable stew 36. Kalbsgeschnetzeltes - Veal strips in creamy mushroom sauce