1: Energy drinks can be detrimental to your health due to high sugar and caffeine content.

2: Soda is loaded with sugar and empty calories, leading to weight gain and health problems.

3: Coffee can be healthy in moderation, but excessive consumption can lead to insomnia and jitters.

4: Alcohol can damage your liver and increase your risk of cancer and other health conditions.

5: Fruit juices may seem healthy, but they are often packed with added sugars and lack fiber.

6: Sweetened teas are high in sugar and calories, contributing to weight gain and diabetes risk.

7: Milkshakes are delicious but they are high in sugar, fat, and calories, leading to weight gain.

8: Sports drinks are filled with sugar and artificial ingredients, posing health risks with frequent consumption.

9: Cocktails can be high in sugar and calories, leading to weight gain and increased risk of chronic diseases.